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What We Teach At Moyallon

Our Curriculum:

   At Moyallon with our seven classes and experienced staff we can offer your child a broad and balanced range of educational experiences. We as a staff are keen to meet the specific needs of all of our pupils and it is our belief that as a school we are well placed to prepare our children to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. What we teach is based on The “Northern Ireland Curriculum” which was launched in September 2007. This curriculum brought changes for Primary Schools. The main change being that the Foundation Stage (Primary 1 and 2) are now learning in a more active and meaningful way. We here at Moyallon have taken this curriculum on board whilst also maintaining many of our traditional teaching values.



   The three main areas are talking and listening, reading and writing and these are approached in a co-ordinated manner.

   Pupils are encouraged from the outset to develop their oral skills with opportunities to discuss, share information, debate and give formal presentations both in class and at assemblies.

   Each child is encouraged to read both in school and at home. Our school library, class libraries, special focus days and book fairs all help to foster a love for reading in our children. Our aim is to develop independent reading habits. Each pupil’s progress is tracked so that any issues can be quickly identified and addressed.

   Written skills are given a high priority, with the development of a clear handwriting style, well-constructed, accurately punctuated and interesting written work being important objectives



   Our work in Maths is based on Lines of Progression in the following areas:

             Processes (how children approach a problem and providing them with the necessary skills),




             Handling Data.

   Through practical and challenging activities the children are encouraged to develop an investigative approach to their mathematical problem solving.


The World Around Us:

   This area includes studies in Geography, History and Science and Technology. The school has developed a topic/themed approach to these subjects so that relevant connections are made with the other areas of learning. Through planning, designing, observation, recording and evaluating the children develop their knowledge and skills.


Modern Languages:

   Currently Primary 7 have French lessons in preparation for their Transfer to Year 8. Primary 1 - 4 also receive Spanish lessons from a Spanish Teacher.



   Music has always been a strong tradition at Moyallon. The school choir is always a major feature of any special occasion in school.

   Our recorder group is exceptional and the results at local festivals are always of a very high standard with cups, medals and certificates won on a regular basis.

   We currently have two music tutors visiting school on a weekly basis teaching pupils in flute, clarinet, saxophone, viola and violin to a high standard.


Special Educational Needs:

   The school will at all times endeavour to meet the needs of those children in our care with additional educational or physical needs. Children for whom the Southern Education and Library Board maintain a “Statement of Educational Needs” may be enrolled where it is felt that the needs of the child can be met within “mainstream education”. The decision whether to enrol pupils who have a Statement of Educational Needs will be made by the Board of Governors.

   We attempt to identify pupils with learning difficulties at an early stage. At the present time we provide help for a number of pupils on two days per week. Through close liaison between the Special Needs Coordinator, the Class Teacher and the Learning Support Teacher suitable learning programmes are devised and parents are kept informed of this process. The help provided for these pupils involves children being withdrawn from class as individuals or as members of small groups for intensive teaching in Literacy and/or Numeracy. Pupils are also given support within the classroom when the Support Teacher comes in to help with some classroom activities.

   If, despite this extra help, a pupil’s progress gives cause for concern then they will be referred to the Board’s Psychology Department. This process will determine whether or not the child has difficulties which should be addressed with the help of a Statement. This process is a lengthy one and involves close co-operation among teachers, the school medical authorities, educational psychologists and the parents.


Information and Communication Technology:

   ICT skills are developed not as a stand alone subject but rather through a wide range of subject areas. Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard which is used by both the teacher and the pupils. All classrooms are wired for internet connection and the school’s 15 PCs and 16 laptops allow for easy access by pupils to work with computing.

   The system we use in school has a central network which provides a safe, filtered connection to the Internet and the pupils use an agreed policy when using the Internet Browsers.


Out-Door Play Area:

   Over the last number of years we have put a lot of resources into the provision of outdoor play equipment. This area includes a covered sand pit, large building blocks, play house, picnic tables, water activities, gardening areas, willow house and storage containers. Our Foundation/Key Stage 1 classes make daily use of this provision.

   We have two playgrounds: one is used by Primary 1 and 2 while the other is used by Primary 3 to 7.
