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Water Topic

We went for a walk around the school to see where the rain goes.

Primary 2 have been enjoying all the water based play activities.

The Water Cycle by Primary 2

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How to make a rainbow

So a rainbow happens when light from the sun shines through water.

We did an experiment to see if flowers really do drink water.

We filled some bottles with water.

We poured in some food colouring.

We left one without food colouring.

We put a white flower in each bottle and left them on the windowsill.


The flower petals with the food colouring changed colour. This tells us that flowers really do drink water.

We read "The Tickly Octopus" and then we made our own Tickly Octopuses.

We made treasure maps and treasure chests.

Bubble painting.

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We painted Pirate Portraits
