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Easter Week Fun

Easter Egg-xperiment - BOUNCY EGGS πŸ₯š


This week in P7, we tried to make bouncy eggs and it was very successful! πŸ‘ 


In small groups we submerged an egg in vinegar for 72 hours. Each day we had some great discussions and observations! 

We found out that the egg shell started disintegrated, more and more each day (egg shell is made up of calcium carbonate and the acid in vinegar tears that apart). It finally left us with the inside of the egg and the membrane on the inner layer. 

We found that our eggs had expanded, felt like rubber and we could bounce them! It was a CRACKING time πŸ€ͺ πŸ₯š


Check out the pictures and videos below πŸ“ΈπŸ˜Š

Bouncy Eggs

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P7 enjoyed the fresh air and completed a fun maths Easter hunt! Super fun and it got very competitive 🀣🐣

Easter Maths Hunt

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Easter Maths Hunt 2

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