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W/C 8th March



Spelling activities/Phonics with ‘l’ sound (check your guide your steps below might be different).

  • Learn spellings daily.
  • Complete activities daily (some answers included in pack so please self-mark)

Monday – Highlighting texts (2 ‘l’ sheets) – Page 1 + 2

Tuesday – Complete ‘l’ worksheet Page: 5

Wednesday –  Complete ‘l’ sound wordsearch Page 10

Thursday –  Spelling swirls – choose 9 words you found difficult spelling this week  Page 18


Dictionary Task – Titanic words 

  • Choose 8-10 words from the list, put them in alphabetical order and write the dictionary definition of each. If you can’t find one in the dictionary, please use other the resources available to you i.e. Google/Siri/Alexa. Pages 7-9 in your booklet


Handwriting – optional

  • Complete activity level 6 – 3 – Smash Capital copy carefully using joined writing. Remember to take care of the diagonal joins. Page 6



  • Read the extract and complete questions based on your text – either ‘The Mystery of the Cave’ or 'Midnight Fox' – Page 19-21

Answers questions on the page, USE A HIGHLIGHTER and CHECK INFORMATION CAREFULLY before answering


Grammar – Simile and Metaphors


Teaching videos/links/PowerPoints - attached below 



   1. Worksheet Simile and metaphors Page 11

  • Part 1 – Underline text carefully – you will need a red and blue colouring pencil/highlighter
  • Part 2 – Explain the metaphor
  • Part 3 – Read the statements and write S for ‘simile’ and M for ‘metaphor
  • Part 4 Change similes to metaphor – use words such as: is, was, were or are
  • Part 5 – Explain metaphor
  • Part 6 – DO NOT COMPLETE


  2. Simile and Metaphor Quiz – READ CAREFULLY! – Page 12-14

  • Place tick in the circle beside the correct answer.
  • Will be on Seesaw and easy to complete  


Definition of a simile and metaphor attached on the image below




Monday - Lesson 1 - Introduction 


Teaching videos/links/PowerPoints - attached below


Written work: Complete task 1 and 2 on page. Pages 3 + 4

Task 1: Think about characters and write them in the box.

Task 2: Read the short novel extract and the playscript. Think about the features of both and make a list how they are different.


All explained on the sheet.

Wednesday - Lesson 2 – Features of a Playscript:


All explained on written pages in your pack (features etc).


PowerPoint – attached above 


Written Task – Pages 15-17 - Name the different parts of a playscript.

Friday -  Lesson 3 – Create a poster outlining features of a playscript


Teaching video/link - attached below - watch video and complete interactive quiz 


Written task – Page 22 - Create a poster outlining all features (parts of a playscript). Please follow instructional sheet in Literacy Home Learning Booklet.


Please use the internet to look ‘Google’ examples. You can complete these in your pack on the computer. KEEP NEAT AND TAKE YOUR TIME AND MAKE IT LOOK GREAT! 



Monday - Lesson 1 – Interpreting Databases  - Mobile phones

We can present data in a graphical form as it is easier to see what is going on, or to spot patterns, rather than looking at raw/random numbers in a table or in a spreadsheet. Graphs are visual images which are quick and easy to read.


Teaching video - attached below 


PowerPoints - attached below

  • Introduction to Data handling – types of graphs or charts.
  • Also another PowerPoint - basic introduction highlighting other graphs.


Written task – Pages – 1-2

Mobile phones – interpreting a database

Study the table on page 119 carefully and in the key to answer the questions on page 120. Please take your time to read each question carefully.


    1. Read carefully and answer on squared paper

2/3. Answer on squared paper

    4. Don’t complete.

Tuesday/Wednesday -  Lesson 2/3 – Interpreting Databases


This lesson will be for both your Tuesday and Wednesday Numeracy work.

Written tasks: Pages – 3-6


Titanic lifeboats

1. Use the information on the lifeboat cards to complete the Lifeboat Table Activity sheet for the number of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Passengers, crew and other on each boat. Be careful check the boat number/letter.

2. Complete the column for the ‘Total’ number of those initially saved in each boat.

3. Complete the ‘Empty Places’ Column for each boat.


Tip: Subtract the total number of people in each lifeboat from the capacity for each boat. Add the answers together to find the total amount of empty places.


Challenge – Complete Percentages Column to complete – follow the steps below:


Also you can calculate the percentage of seats occupied on each Lifeboat by using a calculator:


Divide the total numbers of passengers in each Lifeboat by the capacity and multiplying by 100.

Thursday Lesson 4 – Interpreting Databases – Pictogram


Teaching videos/links below

Corbet maths – reading pictograms - link below

BBC Bitesize – pictograms – read written text and complete interactive quiz - link below 


Written Task - Pages – 7-9

Titanic Pictogram

Complete three pictograms by choosing a lifeboat from category.

  • 40 capacity

  • 47 capacity

  • 65 capacity


Please look at the data sheet you filled in yesterday or use the ‘Titanic Lifeboat Data Cards to fill in Pictograms.


Note: Each person on the pictogram sheet is equal to one!


The capacity sheet 40 has been started for you as an example. Now fill in the rest of the information related to BOAT 2.

Now you choose you choose a boat that has 47 and 65 capacity and fill in the pictogram.



For some extra questions, there is a link below. 

Pictogram explanation picture below - 

Friday – Bar charts or TITANIC EXCEL SPREADSHEET if you can ACCESS!


OPTION 1 - Bar chart – Pages 10-11


Teaching videos/links - attached below 


Bar chart - links below


Task 1: Complete pupil sheet 58 by interpreting the data and complete the frequency table, complete bar chart and answer questions.

Task 2: Complete questions on page 121. Just complete questions 1 a – f. Complete on file page.


Bar chart - picture explanation below 




You will need a computer for this task Open Microsoft Excel - FOLLOW THE STEPS IN THE PICTURE BELOW!

WAU - Titanic

1. Morse Code –

  • Introduction - Simple explanation showing you how morse code works (attached below)
  • Task – Workout the missing Morse code messages by using the Morse code Poster. Then create your own Titanic more code. If you want to send your code to the ‘Seesaw Blog’, to see if anyone can crack your code

2. Lifeboats - Read the short passage and answer the questions that follow.

3. Filling the Lifeboats - Read the short passage and answer the questions that follow.

4. Lowering the Lifeboats – Complete short diary entry, as if you were a passenger in the lifeboat that was being lowered. Think about the following questions:

  • What was like trying to get into a boat?
  • How did you feel when you finally got into one?
  • What was it like being lowered?
  • Describe the view as you were sailing away from the wreckage/sinking of Titanic?

Lifeboats video – to get your thinking about your diary entry. 



Task 1: Listen to song ‘Hero of Faith’ (attached below)

Task 2: Read ‘Eric Liddell – The Bombshell’.

Task 3: Look up Exodus Chapter 20 Versus 8-10 and write out God’s Rule about Sunday. If you need access follow link below.

Task 4: Complete activity table and pie graph breaking up your day hour by hour.

Task 5 – Optional: Complete debate and give your reasons for and against on how ‘Christians should strictly keep the fourth commandment’.

Mother’s Day Card – Pop Art (examples of Pop Art design below)


In your pack there is a:

  • An A4 coloured piece of card that says Happy Mother’s Day
  • A sheet with some Pop Art on a piece of white card


  • Colour/design your pop art sheet
  • Choose one of the two, to colour.
  • This will go on the front of your card.
  • When complete cut it out
  • Take your coloured Mother’s Day card and fold in half, so printing words are on the inside. Stick pop to the front of the card, add more design if you wish. Write your message inside.

BBC Music

