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W/C 25th January

Literacy for the week

Literacy - Commas

Roundup of commas

- PowerPoints if needed repeat from Monday or last week) 

Reading Activities

- Reading activities (complete two activities from your reading activities menu - attached below)

  Post completed work on Seesaw.

- Spelling challenge (either Florence Nightingale or Misspelling Spotters)

Literacy - Topic work Titanic 


Both Thursday and Friday's task is explained on Seesaw.

Numeracy for the week


Time facts and o’clock/half past

O'clock & Half Past

Quarter past / to 

5 minute intervals

1 minute intervals

Digital and Analogue clocks

Roman Numerals

Weekly tables facts - 3D Shape Properties


- Instructional videos attached on Seesaw. 

- PowerPoint for Titanic layout is attached below: 


